Roguewood Newsletter
Amie Santillán- Principal
Jessica Yon - Principal Administrative Assistant
Jenny Bradley - Administrative Assistant
Address: 3900 Kroes NE, Rockford, MI 49341
Phone: (616) 863-6374
Fax: (616) 866-7132

News from Sra. Santillán
Dear Roguewood Families,
I hope this message finds you well!
First, I want to extend a huge thank you to Mr. Larry Watters for being at Roguewood this past week to support our staff and students in my absence. We truly appreciate his dedication and leadership in ensuring everything runs smoothly.
A quick reminder that midwinter break is coming up next week. There will be no school on Friday, February 14, or Monday, February 17. We hope you enjoy the long weekend!
This month, we are focusing on the character trait of initiative, and our students have already been demonstrating it in meaningful ways. Mrs. Copeland’s class has taken the lead on a composting project for Roguewood, and we’re excited to share more details soon. Meanwhile, Mr. Nephew’s class has been putting their persuasive writing skills to work as they advocate for an exciting Spring field trip. Beyond the classroom, we’ve seen students showing initiative in the hallways, cafeteria, and recess—stepping up, problem-solving, and leading by example.
I am incredibly proud of our Roguewood students and staff and feel so fortunate to be part of such an amazing community of change-makers. Thank you for your continued support!
Amie Santillán
Proud Principal of Roguewood Elementary
Upcoming Events
- Feb. 12 - 2nd grade Trad. Field Trip
- Feb 13 - Spirit Day -Red and Pink Day- Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a red or pink shirt
- Feb. 14-17 - NO SCHOOL
- Feb. 19 - El Puente - 1st grade SI
- Feb. 20 - Yearbook candid photos
- Feb. 21 - Popcorn Day
- Feb. 24- 27 - Book Fair
- Feb. 25 - Conferences - in person
- Feb. 27 - Conferences - virtual
Candid Yearbook Photos
Photographers will be here THURSDAY Feb. 20 to take candid photos of students for the yearbook during class, lunch, & recess.
The Book Fair is coming
Please see the attached schedule for the time/date that your student's class will be attending the Book Fair. Classroom Schedule for Book Fair. Parents if you would like to shop with your child the Book Fair will open on Tuesday night Feb. 25th from 3:30-7:30 and it will be open on Wednesday Feb. 26 from 1:30-3:30 (on the early release day).
If you would like to take advantage of the Book Fair eWallet please read the attached flyer to learn how to set that up.
Conference Sign-ups
- February 25 and 27 4:30-7:30
- Both dates are in person
- If a family needs a virtual or phone call conference please email your child's classroom teacher.
- Per the district, only one conference per student.
- If you have multiple students please allow 10 mins in between each conference appointment.
- Sign up for a conference - Conference Sign-ups
Conference Meal Sign-ups
Hello Roguewood Families,
Would you like to help provide meals for the Roguewood staff during winter conferences? The staff very much appreciates this since there is not enough time for them to leave the school prior to conferences to have dinner. Thank you in advance for your help.
Please make sure you have your food to the staff lounge NO LATER than 3:00 pm. This gives us time to set up all of the food before school is done and allows teachers to eat right away.
There are nut allergies among staff so we ask that you please do not bake with or buy products with nuts. Thank you!!!
Roguewood PTO
FEBRUary character trait: initiative
Definition: Doing something without being asked, because it needs to be done
Challenge: Start your homework or do a chore before you are asked
Composting Project
4th graders in Mrs. Copeland’s class are working hard to show INITIATIVE by starting a composting program during 4th and 2nd grade lunch. Volunteers for our Green Team have built a compost tumbler. They have created flyers and presentations to educate students about composting. Green team members started collecting food scraps for compost this week and hope to use our compost to create a butterfly garden at Roguewood!
Students of the Month for Gratitude

Spanish Speakers of the Month

Valentine's Day Party
Classroom Valentine's parties are on February 13th! Each individual classroom teacher will create a time that works within their classroom schedule on this day to celebrate. Teachers may be asking for some assistance in planning the short celebration that will include a snack and activity. We thank you for your willingness to donate to your child's classroom.
We are looking forward to having students have a great time together. The following are some helpful guidelines.
All items for the celebration should be dropped off to school by the morning of February 13th. Feel free to drop items off any day that week.
When dropping off items, please label with the classroom teacher’s name, and staff will deliver the items to the classroom.

Order Your Yearbooks Today
This year yearbook ordering is ONLINE only. You may click the photo below and it will take you to the yearbook ordering page. You can search for the school or put in the following Yearbook ID code - 14559825.
GRASP is a correspondence program for students in Kindergarten through 8th grades which helps students maintain reading and math skills while they are on summer break. The fees for the summer of 2025 are $26 for one subject or $48 for both subjects for each student. You can enroll your student for the book version (grades K-8) or the optional online version (grades 4-8) by completing the registration and payment online.
This year we are partnering with SchoolStore to raise funds for essential tools our students and teachers need to succeed! is an online shopping mall where over 350 nationally-known merchants have agreed to give a percentage of sales to K-12 schools. Companies like Walmart, Kohls, Home Depot, shopDisney, Family Book Store and Books-A-Million participate.
Students will bring home a packet on Thursday February 13, where you will find important information about a safe and easy way your family can help our school get the essential tools our students and teachers need to succeed. It will also let you know how your child can win fun prizes just for helping!

Roguewood PTO
To facilitate relations between educators and parents to accomplish the same goals of expanding the educational, charitable, literary, scientific and familial needs of both educator and parents.
PTO Social Media Policy
At the January 14, 2025 PTO Meeting, the Roguewood PTO Social Media Policy was approved. All members should review the policy posted. Any questions can be sent to the PTO email Thank you for your support!
Warm Fuzzies
If you're not familiar with Warm Fuzzies…it's Tuesday's where we treat the staff throughout the school year with delicious treats! Packaged or homemade treats are welcome. Feel free to partner with another family or do it yourself! See Warm Fuzzies Signup HERE!!
Any questions:
Spanish Immersion (SI) Boosters
What is the Spanish Immersion (SI) Booster Club?
The SI Booster Club is a group of parent volunteers who raise funds to support the RPS K-12 Spanish Immersion program. Staff submit requests and funds are disbursed throughout the year to support the Spanish Immersion program from kindergarten through high school.
What do we fund?
Spanish Immersion K-12 classrooms at Roguewood Elementary School, North Rockford Middle School, Rockford Freshman Center, and Rockford High School.
Rockford SI Boosters Email:
An Afternoon at the Movies: Paddington in Peru
The Rockford Spanish Immersion Boosters invite you, your friends, and your family to enjoy an afternoon at the movies.
Sunday, March 2nd
Celebration Cinema North
Paddington in Peru will be available to view in Spanish and English. Limited seats available.
Watch D.o.g.s.
We are excited to announce that the Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students) program is back at Roguewood Elementary! We can’t wait to welcome our awesome Watch D.O.G.S., both new and returning, to join us in making a positive impact on our students.
If you are interested in being a Watch D.O.G., please check out our video, instruction slides, and SignUp Genius to get started. It’s a great opportunity to be involved in our school community!
If you’re new to Roguewood or unfamiliar with the program, you can learn more about Watch D.O.G.S. on their official website. Our Watch D.O.G.S. representative, Miguel Quintanilla, is also happy to answer any questions you may have, so feel free to reach out to him.
We look forward to seeing our amazing Watch D.O.G.S. in action!
Cold and Flu Season Guide
As many of you are already aware, there has been an increase of illness in our community. To help prevent the spread of illness, including influenza, we would like to partner with you. Please remind your children to wash their hands frequently and cover their mouths when coughing. The question frequently comes up of when to keep a child home from school. Listed below are guidelines for the Rockford Public Schools.
A child should stay home from school and their physician may need to be consulted if he/she has any of the following symptoms:
- A temperature of 100.4 or greater
- Green or yellow discharge from nose or eyes
- Vomiting or diarrhea
- Cough or sore throat lasting longer than two days
- Rashes or eruptions
- Breathing difficulties
- Any other medical concern
Students should remain at home until symptom or fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication. If student has been seen by a physician, and they have been deemed not contagious, a physician’s note must be provided to the school indicating such in order for the student to return to class. As always, the best way to reduce your and your students’ risk of infection is to practice good hand-hygiene.
Absences MUST be called into the office 616.863.6374 or emailed to the front office -
Please leave a message on our general voicemail box if you are calling after hours. Whether you are reporting an absence on our voicemail or email, the State of Michigan requires us to know the following:
Student's name and teacher
Reason for absence - if it is an illness we need to know the symptoms of the illness - vomiting, coughing, fever, cold, diarrhea, lice - whatever the reason may be
Do You Need to Drop Something Off?
If you have an item that needs to get to a student, simply drop it off on our bookcase in our vestibule and provide the student’s name and classroom on a Post-It note. We will make sure it gets where it needs to go.
Students with a cellphone will be asked to turn the phone off and not use them during the school day. Please do not text or call your student on their device during the school day. This creates a distraction to the classroom. We will always help with communication through the office or an email to the teacher if needed.
Students with Apple watches or other wrist devices are asked not use the device to communicate during the school day.
Students who need to contact home because they are ill or wondering about the end of the day pick up should talk to their classroom teacher who will help them navigate next steps of support.
Devices at school are distracting to students during the learning day and we ask that unless your student needs the device to communicate after school that they stay home.
Thank you for your support.
The winter weather is here, and students are dressing in layers, which means our lost and found will be growing. To avoid your students clothing from going into the lost and found PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING!!! Label all coats, boots, mittens, hats, etc. Labeling items will ensure they will back it back home!
Enrollment Information
Spanish Immersion Lottery Application
New student lottery applications opened on Tuesday, January 6, 2025 and ends on March 28, 2025 at 4:00 pm. Please submit the lottery application and paperwork to The SI Lottery will take place on May 1. Families will be notified within 48 hours of their placement after the lottery.
Enrollment for the 2025/2026 school year opens February 13th. Children who turn five years old on or before December 1, 2025 are eligible to enroll for the 2025/2026 school year. Please visit to review the online enrollment process and required documents.

Community Events
Wellness events
Eating Disorders
"Eating Disorders: Hiding in Plain Sight," will be taking place on January 29th, 2025, from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM at the Rockford Public Schools Auditorium, located at 4100 Kroes Street NE, Rockford, MI 49341. The event is free to attend and offers 2.5 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for eligible participants. It is designed for professionals, students, parents, and other interested parties. The program includes several key presentations. Dr. Daniel Schellenberg, Medical Director at Forest View Hospital, and Hilary Fowler, MSN, PMHNP, CPNP, from Sanford Behavioral Health, will present on "The Hidden Medical Consequences of Eating Disorders." Anna Flores, Doctor of Clinical Nutrition from Authenticity Recovery, will discuss "Recognizing the Signs and Responding with Support." The event also features a panel discussion titled "From Diagnosis to Recovery: Real-Life Tools for Managing Eating Disorders," with panelists from Authenticity Recovery, Forest View Hospital, and Sanford Behavioral Health. Participants can register by scanning the QR code on the flyer or by contacting Kelly Stone at
Eating Disorders - Hiding in Plain Sight
Managing Worry and Anxiety
The Pine Rest School Assistance Program, in partnership with Rockford Public Schools, is hosting a live stream presentation titled “Managing Worry and Anxiety” on February 3, 2025, from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM via Microsoft Teams. This event will help participants learn how to distinguish between normal worry and anxiety versus conditions that may require treatment. It will also provide practical skills to limit the impact of worry and anxiety in daily life, along with strategies for adults to help children and adolescents navigate anxiety. To join, click the “Join the meeting now” link provided. For more information, contact Pine Rest at 800.442.0809 or email Additional resources are available at This presentation is brought to you by Pine Rest, Rockford Public Schools, and the Rockford Education Foundation.
SAP - School Assistance Program
Access support today!
Say “I have an SAP with Rockford Public Schools” when you call 800.442.0809 and press “1.” Every RPS family member in your household is eligible. The Rockford Education Foundation (REF) has proudly partnered with Rockford Public Schools to provide expert counseling, therapy, and resources through Pine Rest’s School Assistance Program (SAP).
Tickets to The Taste are Available!
Enjoy a night of food, drinks, and fun to support Rockford kids and our community at The Taste on March 6th from 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM. Sample delicious offerings from local restaurants, enjoy drinks from the cash bar, and take part in an exciting live auction and paddle raise to support programs that benefit Rockford students and empower educators. Ticket sales close February 21st.
Your presence helps the Rockford Education Foundation create opportunities for every student and provide vital resources for our schools.