Freshman Center Newsletter

Rockford Freshman Center

Principal, Kelly Amshey

Assistant Principal, Al Reickard

Counselor Last Names A-K, Jennifer Lutz

Counselor Last Names L-Z, Riley Legge

RHS Athletics

Consider purchasing a student pass for your student by clicking the link below. Student passes are only $25 so it's a great deal for any student who enjoys attending the games.

RHS Athletic Passes

RFC Homework Club Pilot

Rockford Freshman Center is excited to pilot a program that will provide targeted time for the completion and submission of missing work.  We firmly believe that completion of all assigned tasks is the best way to improve student learning and positive academic outcomes.  We plan to try this program in February.

Homework Club Basics:

  • Students are assigned by a teacher to attend Homework Club due to missing or incomplete work that is affecting their learning and/or their grade.

  • The teacher will notify the student and that student’s parent/guardian about the session.

  • Once assigned, the student is required to attend unless another arrangement has been made.  For example, a student who completes the work prior to the session may be excused.  As another example, a student who cannot get a ride home on the scheduled date may be assigned to a Saturday school session instead.

  • Assigned students will work in a designated area at RFC from 12:45-3:00 p.m. on early dismissal days.

  • Volunteer upperclassmen will be available to answer questions and students will be supervised by an RFC staff  member.

  • School will provide the space, help and a snack.  Parents/guardians will arrange for transportation home at 3:00 p.m.

If not assigned by a teacher, a parent/guardian may sign up their own student for Homework Club by contacting Kelly Amshey ( or Al Reickard ( 

Detailed Description


Rockford High School creates a fantastic yearbook each year, and students have the opportunity to place an order for the 2024-25 yearbook now. Please note - high school yearbooks include photographs from prom and graduation, and therefore, arrive in the fall of the following school year. This is different than middle school, so we try to point it out before you order.

If you're interested, please visit In the school name field, enter Rockford High School (not Freshman Center) and be sure to choose Rockford High School in Michigan.


Does your freshman want to get a jump start on prepping for the PSAT and SAT?

Seeking RFC Career Exploration Volunteers

To develop RFC students' career readiness, it is important to connect them to professionals working in the field of their interests. Our community holds crucial career knowledge, expertise, and relationships that can support our students' growth and development in becoming "career ready." Rockford's Freshman Center will be conducting a Career Speaker Expo on Wednesday March 19, 2025 between 12:00 and 2:30 p.m.

We plan to hold four, 30-minute sessions in the afternoon and hope to have a great variety of careers for students to explore.  If you are willing to create and present, please complete the form linked below by February 5.  If you have questions before you make a decision, please reach out to Kelly Amshey, Jen Lutz, or Riley Legge at Rockford Freshman Center.  Thank you for considering this opportunity!  

Volunteer Sign Up

Academic Letter

RHS/RFC recognizes consistent student success as measured by grade point average (GPA) with the Academic Letter. Details are located in our student handbook (available on the webpage). A summary of main points is included below:

  • GPA = 3.50 or higher for two trimesters in the same academic year
  • No failing grades, Credit or No Credit during the academic year

Students who earn the letter in the first two trimesters will be notified of the achievement and invited to a spring celebration. Students who earn an academic letter during trimester three will receive the letter in the mail this summer. We can't wait to celebrate with you!

Parent Advisory Council

Rockford Freshman Center and Rockford High School welcome parents to attend and participate in Parent Advisory Council. PAC meetings are held several times each year and provide an opportunity for parents/guardians to receive updates about high school activities. Meetings are held virtually in Google Meet and are recorded for those who cannot attend on scheduled date(s) and/or time. Please plan to join us our meeting on March 3 at 9:00 a.m. The link for the Google Meet will be provided in advance. Thanks!

Link to Google Meet PAC

Paper Gator Contest Flyer
February RPS Presentation

Recent Newsletters

RFC February Newsletter
January Newsletter Rockford Freshman Center