

The Developing Healthy Kids Campaign was founded in Rockford Public Schools in 2011 to support mental health awareness and suicide prevention.

Featured Events

Substance Abuse – The First Day

February 22, 2024   |   7:00-8:30 pm – RHS Auditorium

Chris Herren, former professional basketball player, addresses issues that school systems, communities, and people across the country are impacted by each day including substance abuse, harmful behaviors, and mental wellness.

The First Day movie poster

2023 Past Events

Substance Abuse

Presented by Jason Vander Laan

November 14, 6:30-8:00PM – RHS Auditorium

Host and former NFL Athlete, Jason Vander Laan, take an in depth look at how substance abuse has affected our youth and some of his personal relationships, followed by the short film The First Day.

Chris Herren, former professional basketball player, author and wellness advocate, has shared his story of recovery with over 1 million people nationwide. The First Day film chronicles this journey revealing Herren’s vulnerability and his profound connections with high school students who, in turn, have shared their stories of struggle and strength. Through the power of storytelling, The First Day addresses issues that school systems, communities and people across the country are impacted by, directly or indirectly, each day including substance use, other harmful behaviors and mental wellness.


Presented by Dr. Brittany Tayler

October 4, 6:30-8:00PM – RHS Auditorium

“NIC SICK: The Dangers of Youth Vaping” features teens who talk about their struggles with vape addiction as well as the harmful effects to the brain, body and lungs.


The Dangers of Youth Vaping Presentation – October 4, 2023