Rockford High School Suggested Student Supply Kit
In order to be prepared for the beginning of each trimester students are asked to bring their own supply kit which should fit into a backpack, be easily transported to every class, and include the following items:
- Highlighter
- Colored pencils, crayons, or markers
- Writing utensils
- Ruler
- Calculator (T130)
- Dry erase marker
- Earbuds or headphones
- Three Ring Binder(s)
Students shall determine the organizational system that works best for them. Lockers will be provided to assist. It is helpful to have subjects divided into sections (using tabs or separate binders). The materials must fit into your backpack, which must also fit your computer, computer charger, and supply kit.
Please notify your student’s counselor if your student needs a supply kit.
Students with Last Names A-C – Rachel Kreuze (
Students with Last Names D-Hi – Sarah Young (
Students with Last Names Ho-MI – Jonathan Taylor (itavlor@rockfordschools.orq)
Students with Last Names Mo-Sh – Kasey Sauder (